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Lesson Plan 3: Social Functions of Poems

Writer's picture: Jay BelgaJay Belga

SMA Negeri 2 Semarang

Senior High School – English Department

Semester I, S.Y. 2019-2020

Lesson Plan in Grade 11 - English

Date: September 23, 2019

Time: 8:00 am to 8:45 am

Class: Grade XI – MIPA 6

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the class discussion and group dynamics, the learners are expected to:

a. identify social functions through a poem analysis;

b. read poem excerpts with correct intonation, pronunciation, and expression by reading orally; and

c. show teamwork and cooperation in a paired activity.

II. Learning Content

A. Topic: Beautiful Poems

B. Reference/s:

· Rahayu, A., et. al. (2019). Belajar Praktis: Bahasa Dan Sastra Inggris. pp. 32-35. Published by Viva Pakarindo: Klaten, Jawa Tengah, ID


C. Media:

· PowerPoint Slide Presentation on Social Functions and Structure of Poems

· Worksheets

D. Concept/s:

· Definition and difference between poem and poetry

· Social functions of poems

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings

2. Classroom Management

· The teacher will ask the students to pick up pieces of litters, arrange their chairs and settle down.

3. Checking of Attendance

· The teacher will mark students who are late or not present in class.

4. Class Rapport and Rules

· The teacher shall ask the class about how they felt after taking their mid-term exams.

· The teacher will write down his 3 R’s on the board as classroom rules: Respect, Raise your hand, and Reinforce EOP. (English Only Please)

5. Posting the Learning Objectives

· The teacher will post/write today’s agenda on the board:

  • DISCUSSION: Oral Reading

  • PRACTICE: Labeling

  • ACTIVITY: Worksheet

B. Developmental Activities


1. The teacher will present a video to the class presenting a woman reciting the poem, Fire and Ice by Robert Frost.

2. The students will work in pairs. They shall fill-in the blanks on the activity sheets provided for them. It will serve as their listening activity while watching the video:

3. The students, guided by the teacher, will check and review their answers.

4. The students shall answer the following guide questions through recitation:

· How do you feel after listening to the poem?

· Is it the same when listening to a story? How so?

· What do you think the poem is all about? What could be the theme?

5. The teacher will process the students’ responses and relate the activity to the topic.


1. The teacher shall discuss the definition and key concepts about poems and poetry through a PowerPoint slide presentation.

2. The students shall read the poem excerpts aloud and determine the social function for each example:

3. The students will answer the following guide questions after each example presented:

· What do you think is the social function in Example no. 1? No. 2? No. 3?

· What did you feel after reading and understanding Example no. 1? 2? 3?

4. The teacher will continue to discuss the structure of poems for the next meeting.

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