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The Class Observations

My Overall Reflection

The first week of observation is an absolute help in understanding how students learn, how they behave in class and how to cater to their learning needs. I also get to see the professionalism, enthusiasm, and creativity of Ms. Vebre while teaching the students. The students in her class are quite responsive to her questions and participative during class activities.


The first thing that I noticed is that students learn best when they work in groups. Ms. Vebre used an effective method in teaching the lesson by using Cooperative Learning so students can develop their teamwork and collaborative skills with their peers. Secondly,  students are less distracted and more interested in learning the topic because the activities are highly interactive. Lastly, the teacher created a fun-learning and friendly environment that also supports their learning. However, similar to other teachers, time management needs improvement to meet all the objectives.


Overall, the knowledge and behavior of the students are above standards. They are respectful and smart in doing all the tasks. The teacher used different teaching strategies in class which is both commendable and inspiring. Lastly, the environment is conducive for learning and the built-in teaching equipment and tools in the classrooms are very convenient for teachers.

Teaching Methods 

The teaching methods that are commonly used are Cooperative Learning and Scientific Method. Most of the time, students work in groups and the lessons are delivered in an interactive way so the class can directly focus on learning the topics. The teachers usually serve as facilitators by assisting them in their tasks or asking them numerous questions that further guides the students. In addition, they also integrate technology such as playing music or using mobile phones for research and seat works. Simply, they make learning fun and stimulating.

Learning Materials and Innovations

Teachers are creative and resourceful in providing a lot of learning materials to maintain students' attention, motivation and interest. Most of the learning materials are drawn from the workbook, other books and also from the internet. The materials are even culturally and socially-relevant that makes the students interested and participative in class. In school, students are also allowed to search for internet sources that will enhance and widen their knowledge on a certain topic. However, almost every teacher uses a projector and slide presentations during lectures.

Sources of Learning and Technology

Students' workbook, online activities, and Powerpoint slide presentations are the most common sources of learning and technology. Teachers strictly keep track of the lesson chapters found in their workbook provided by the school but they can still add more learning materials from other books and the internet if applicable. Sometimes, students are self-taught to look for answers or discover new information online that relates to the topic. Using Google forms or Klook is also integrated to effectively and efficiently conduct quizzes and electronically record scores. But most of the time, Powerpoint presentations are utilized in discussing key concepts. Teachers also often play movies, videos, songs and more.


Assessments are mostly conducted through behavior assessment observations, written tasks, performance tasks, and examinations. Teachers privately write down their observations and fill-up forms to assess students' behavior. On the other hand, written tasks and performance tasks are usually assessed in classrooms. In most cases, students work in groups but they work alone in their written tasks such as essay or dialogue-writing. In each activity, their scores range from 0-100. Providing rubrics or criteria are also essential to carefully assess their outputs.

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