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"Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom."

- Oprah Winfrey

SMA Negeri 2 Semarang

Jl. Sendangguwo Baru No. 1 Semarang 

Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Semarang is a State or a Public Senior High School in Semarang, Indonesia headed by the school principal, Drs. Yuwana, M.Kom.


In SMAN 2 Semarang, there are only two separate programs offered: MIPA (Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam) and IPS (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial). These two courses roughly translate to Math and Science Studies, and Social Sciences/Studies respectively. The students take 3 years to complete this level of education. The grade levels start from Grade 10 to Grade 12.


Since it is a state school, the school is being funded by the government. According to some of the students, they would only pay for their uniforms, books, school supplies, and any personal items that they need. That's it! They don't need to pay tuition fees, miscellaneous fees, and other school fees anymore. 


More than that, the school even made a huge and positive reputation among the locals here in Semarang saying that the school has one of the best students in town. Based on the data collected by entitled "Semarang City's Best Public High School Ranking in 2017", SMA Negeri 2 landed on the third spot for the Natural Sciences Study Program, and fourth for the Social Studies Program. 


Overall, upon seeing the learning environment, the teaching quality, achievements and more, I am entirely impressed. This school definitely has high regard for learning and has given many opportunities for students to grow and showcase their talents, intellect and skills.


Menjadi sekolah yang mengutamakan budi pekerti luhur, unggul dalam prestasi, berwawasan kebangsaan dan lingkungan.


1. Meningkatkan ketaqwaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan berbudi pekerti yang luhur.
2. Mengembangkan kemampuan berfomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa asing serta menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi secara profesional.
3. Meningkatkan potensi diri untuk meraih prestasi dalam bidang akademis dan nonakademis secara nasional dan internasional melalui pembelajaran berbasis siswa.
4. Menjunjung tinggi nilai budaya daerah dan nasionalisme.
5. Meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan yang berstandar internasional serta linhkungan sekolah yang bersih, sehat, dan asri.
6. Meningkatkan kemandirian dan berperan aktif secara internasional dalam perkembangan dunia dari perspektif economi, sosiokultural, dan lingkungan hidup.
7. Meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat dalam pendidikan dan kepedulian terhadap masyarakat kurang mampu secara sosial ekonomi yang berprestasi.


  • Religius, jujur, mandiri, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab

  • Kreatif, inovatif, ramah, sehat, dan menyenangkan



To be a school that prioritizes noble character, excels in achievement, has a national and environmental outlook.


1. Increase devotion to God Almighty and virtuous character.
2. Develop the ability to communicate in English and foreign languages ​​and master science and technology in a professional manner.
3. Increasing one's potential to achieve academic and non-academic achievements nationally and internationally through student-based learning.
4. Uphold the values ​​of regional culture and nationalism.
5. Improving education facilities and infrastructure of an international standard and clean, healthy and beautiful school environments.
6. Increase independence and play an active role internationally in world development from an economic, socio-cultural, and environmental perspective.
7. Increasing the participation of the community in education and care for the socially disadvantaged who excel economically.




  • Religious, honest, independent, disciplined, and responsible

  • Creative, innovative, friendly, healthy, and fun


Academic Support System

How are the learner needs being supported?

SMAN 2 Semarang has quite a remarkable reputation in the city when it comes to their academic and non-academic excellence. The school achieved this status with the support of various platforms and learning opportunities to students such as providing the materials and good facilities for conducive learning, organizing social and spiritual programs or events, participating in different competitions, and remediation when students received a failing grade/score.


Each year, the school provides textbooks and affordable workbooks for students in every subject. Teachers are also competent since they had undergone enough training and certification in teaching state schools. Moreover, the school has enough facilities and teaching equipment to enhance their knowledge and skills. 


On the other hand, they include a daily schedule for Muslims and Christians to pray. This way, students can consistently be active in their respective religions and instill a positive outlook and social behavior. Their social and spiritual behavior is also being assessed in schools as part of Indonesia's curriculum.


Another interesting thing about SMAN 2 Semarang is its competitive spirit when it comes to interschool competitions which is a wonderful learning opportunity. Sometimes, they pull out bright and skilled students in classes, and further train them to bring out their full potentials. They have won a lot of awards in the past years. Recently, the school won in Film-making competition and a Debate championship as well during our stay.


Lastly, they help students recover from their low scores by providing extra credits based on their participation in class such as recitation. When students fail in exams, the school provides a remedial activity for the students. They re-teach lessons and give consultations that cater to their difficulties in their class subjects.

Teaching System

How things are being done inside the campus?

SMA Negeri 2 Semarang teaches 3-grade levels in Senior High School (Grade 10 to Grade 12) having two academic programs: MIPA (Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam) and IPS (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial). These programs are Mathematics and Science, and Social Studies respectively.​ The teacher-student ratio is 1 to 30-40 students in each class.


Every Monday morning, the school conducts a 45-minute flag ceremony to give announcements and award students sometimes as well. On special occasions, they also conduct exercise programs or religious programs for everyone.


The school year is divided into two semesters. School days are held from Mondays to Fridays, and classes start at 6:30 am and end at 3:00 pm. Each class period lasts up to 45 minutes only but for some subjects, they take two class periods in one meeting. For instance, English classes are only taught twice in a week so it consumes two class periods which equivalents to 1 hour and 30 minutes per meeting. They also include time in their schedule for Muslims/Christians to pray.


Teachers commonly use projectors in classrooms and with modern technology too. Most of the time, students can be able to use their phones whenever teachers conduct their activities online. The school has public internet wifi for research purposes for teachers and students. Sometimes, teachers provide worksheets to students or use their workbooks/notebooks during class activities.

Materials and

Learning Sources

What are the school's resources in teaching and learning?

The main learning resources in SMAN 2 Semarang are books and some resources found on the internet. They also use workbooks which are provided by the school. Teachers strictly follow each chapter found in these workbooks but they still have the liberty to add more references from other books/online sources in teaching the lessons. 


Since internet wifi is available, the students also enjoy learning through individual and interactive games/activities done online. During lectures, students are also allowed to use their mobile phones for research purposes.


In every classroom, there are built-in speakers and projectors already. This way, it is convenient for teachers to connect their laptops and easily present various materials such as slide presentations, videos, songs, and etc.

Measurement and Evaluation System

What grading system do they use?

Based on Indonesia's Kurikulum 2013, students are being assessed and evaluated based on four basic competencies: Spiritual, Social, Knowledge, and Skills.


The school uses observation sheets in determining and rating students' attitudes based on their spiritual and social behavior in school. Teachers also have a "journal" for noteworthy behavior done by the students. These journals have tables and boxes where teachers can tick if applicable to the student. The school also distributes a set of observation sheets for students to assess the attitude of their peers. Moreover, they use oral and written tests for their knowledge, and a performance task test for their skills. Teachers also use observation sheets on assessing their students' knowledge and skills. 


In SMAN 2 Semarang, they use a grade point range from 0-100. If a student gets a grade lower than 80, they fail and will be endorsed for remediation where they will be having additional lessons, consultations, and more activities.  


What does the school use as their course of study?

The school uses Kurikulum 2013 that applies to the education system of Indonesia. It is a 12-year compulsory education to all children that mainly focuses on four basic competencies and aspects of assessment: aspects of knowledge, skills, spiritual and social attitude. In Indonesia, the moral aspects (spiritual and social) are considered the most important competency. If a student displays bad behavior in school, then his/her grades will be marked down. 


According to the Ministry of Education and Culture's educational structure, Kurikulum 2013 caters to three phases namely Sekolah Dasar (SD or Elementary School), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP or Junior High School) and Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA or Senior High School). SD covers grades 1-6, SMP covers grades 7-9, and SMA covers grades 10-12. Students can also opt to go to Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK or vocational high school) after finishing SMP.


When students reach SMA, they are offered three major programs/studies: MIPA/IPA (Math and/or Science), IPS (Social) and Bahasa (Language and Culture). The rating scale that is used in assessing students from these programs ranges from 0-100. Attitude assessment is given through predicates and descriptions.

Teaching Plan

What is the format of the school's teaching plan for English classes?

SMAN 2 Semarang uses a teaching plan called Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP). It is a detailed lesson plan consisting of more than 10 elements. The first 8 elements are rudimentary. The teacher needs to write down the class details, the topic, the core/basic competencies and learning indicators only. Indication of the details for the competencies and indicators can be found from their syllabi (syllabus). Teachers just need to select and transfer the appropriate information to their RPP which must be suited to the learner's needs. In addition, lesson plans across all subjects must be written in Bahasa Indonesia.


On the 9th to 13th element, teachers need to write down their lesson objectives based on the four aspects of Kurikulum 2013. Then, they also need to inculcate the learning theory, method, media/teaching tools and sources of their teaching materials. The 14th element serves as the learning steps or how teachers will deliver their lessons in the class. Simply, the learning steps follow an ascending order of complexity. They start with simple preliminary activities such as greetings, checking of attendance and the like. Then, they proceed to the core activities whereas the teaching-learning process comes in. The closing activities indicate summarizing the lesson and providing homework to students if necessary. Lastly, the 15th element is the assessment procedure. It includes instructions, rubrics, criteria and etc.


Quite frankly, the teaching plan is difficult to make. To top it off, writing it in Bahasa Indonesia makes it even harder. Due to the extreme shortness of time in mastering and learning how to write an RPP, our cooperative English teacher in SMAN 2 Semarang, Mr. Mat Ibnu, is gracious enough to allow us to utilize the format of the lesson plan that we use in the Philippines instead. However, I needed to show him and we compared the two lesson plans. Modifications were done in order to fit the needs of the learners and to integrate the curriculum's basic competencies. 

Organizational Chart


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